Common Fumitory

Fumaria Officinalis, Common Fumitory, Drug Fumitory, Earth Smoke, Vapor, Beggary
It is distributed throughout the European part, in the Caucasus and the south of West Siberia. It grows in vacant lots, landfills, and garbage places, like a weed in fields and vegetable gardens.


It is an annual plant belonging to the poppy family Papaveraceae with a height of 8-40 cm. The stem is branched, creeping. The wax coating gives the plant a grayish-green tint. The leaves are alternate, three-pronged, with narrow lobes. Blooms almost all summer.


The flowers are irregular in shape, on short pedicels, dirty crimson in color, collected in a brush. The fruit of the plant is a brownish round nut, depressed from above. Ripens in July – October. The whole plant is used as a medicinal raw material.


Collect it during flowering. The stems are very fragile, so the plant breaks easily. Dried in any way, laying out a thin layer, but not for too long, so that the raw material does not turn black. In furnaces, the temperature should not exceed 40-50 ° C.


Stored in wooden or glass containers for 2 years. The raw materials contain organic acids, vitamins C and K, alkaloids, phenolic carboxylic acids, tannins and bitter substances, and flavonoids. The plant has an unpleasant smell and a sharp salty-bitter taste.


The preparations have antiarrhythmic, anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, diuretic, anti-flow, antimalarial and tonic effects, enhance excretion of bile and gastric juice, improve digestion, reduce fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestine, which helps to eliminate constipation.


It is used orally for bleeding (hemorrhoidal, intestinal, uterine and from internal organs), exhaustion, and inflammation of the gastric mucosa which is accompanied by a decrease in acidity and digesting ability.


As well as to improve appetite, peptic ulcer, liver and gallbladder diseases, gallstone and kidney stones, edema of cardiac origin, inflammation of the bladder, tuberculosis lungs, bronchitis, pain,-externally for scabies, rashes, eczema, lichen, allergies, for douching with whites. The plant is poisonous, care must be taken when using it.


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